Most pet parents often overlook oral hygiene’s importance in keeping their pets healthy. According to the stats, 80% of pets are afflicted with varying stages of oral problems, so it is vital to take your pet for an annual health checkup, especially to keep a check on the pet’s dental care. The oral issues could seriously impact your pet’s overall health and life if left ignored or untreated.
At Huapai Vet, the pet dental care service providers take the help of a general anesthetic to perform dental care procedures. We fully examine our patient’s mouth to plan the complete plan of the cat or dog dental treatment. Be it simple ultrasonic scaling and polishing, tooth extraction, we are capable of doing it.
Once your pet has a sparkling clean, and disease-free mouth, please take a note from us on how to professionally maintain your pet’s oral hygiene at home in between every professional treatment.
The commonly noticed physical signs of oral health issues are –
Being a pet parent, it is in your hands to keep a check on the signs mentioned here. Quickly book an appointment at Huapai Vet Clinic, if you notice anything wrong with your pet.
Here the vet will examine your pet for any signs of oral diseases and will let you know if any dog or cat dental treatment would be required.
If your pet has been diagnosed with any serious oral health condition, then it is best to get it treated before it grows into something that can cause greater harm to your pet’s life.
But in case your pet is free from any oral diseases, you must continue visiting your vet for professional dental cleaning services to keep any minor infection from growing.
Declined immune system due to oral health issues is mostly noticed in senior cats or dogs. Smaller infections can cause a greater impact on the liver, heart, and kidney. Thus, it is best to take care of any build-up on the teeth of your pet of any age before it is too late to protect the rest of the organs from that infection.
Pet parents must ensure to get a dental appointment scheduled if tartar or redness on the gum line is clearly visible to you. Broken teeth are also a sign of oral health issues; thus, if you do not want to allow the problem to build – you must book regular appointments with the veterinarian for professional dental cleaning services.
If you notice that your pet has a broken tooth, you must take them to the Huapai Vet Clinic to perform either of the two required treatments:
Tooth Extraction
Root Canal Therapy
These treatments must be done as soon as possible because if it gets too late, then the exposed nerve will start to cause pain and ultimately leave your pet with several types of root infections.
No question is too big or small. We are here to address all of your pet-related concerns.
We believe that every pet must have dedicated attention. Our vets at the clinic will provide you with advice before you get a pet, then an expert’s advice on the pet’s nutritional requirements, and then finally, some information on pet wellness.
As we are running an independent setup, we make our own decision based on what are the requirements of the pets and their families. We are a small enterprise. Thus we will always know about our patients in and out. However, we are big enough to provide every treatment and service you may need for your pet care.
Our dedicated team focuses on providing our clients with the best services. We are a team of vets who are committed to providing the best veterinary care.
With over 20 years of experience, we maintain and enhance professional services to upgrade the quality of our work for our patients. With a fully equipped and staffed clinic, we are a complete package of medical and surgical services for our patients and pet parents.